GIRONA / dancer / 2012
I've always been a really study-focused type of girl, so that's basically why I've been hiding my real passion from myself for a long time. But, although I almost spent the whole day studying when I was like 16 years old, I remember always finding some time to watch live performances of different artist on Youtube, and learning the choreographies of the whole show, dreaming about being that girl dancing next to the Queen B herself. But well, it was just a hobby, wasn't it?
Later on, when I left high school, I started studying medicine at the university. You can imagine how it was: loads of hours seating on the chair, studying. I was happy with it, but, once again I realised that, without even noticing, I was moving my feet to the music and, seconds later, I was standing in my room by myself dancing my heart out. But well, again, it was just a hobby, right? Nobody ever told me I could dedicate my life to something I felt I loved more than anything. Isn't that crazy?
But hey, life is wise, and every path has its own perfect timing. So yes, three years later I decided to hop onto that new adventure and, althought it's maybe the most tought option I could have chosen (even more in Spain, where culture is the last on the list on the political agenda), I'm sure this is, definitely, my place to be.
Because the only thing I can tell for sure in my life is that my love for dancing makes myself who I am today and, clearly, without dancing, I wouldn't be me.
So yes, let's share passion and have fun together! So happy to be in this project!