The project allowed me to think about what it means to be brave, to have courage and to take risks. I began to question what it is to be brave, it’s not a word we use often about every day actions but I realised that being brave wasn’t necessarily about grand gestures, sometimes the smallest steps are daring and bold.
This made me wonder whether everyone had the same perception of crossing lines, acting bravely and taking risks. I asked an 83 year old and a six year old what they thought it meant to be brave and whether it was important in life. Interestingly both gave very similar answers, they both talked about doing something new and out of your comfort zone, facing fears that might make your heart beat fast.
They also both said they thought it was important to be brave as it lets you try new things and opens new horizons. It is so easy to stay still where you feel safe in your comfort zone but it is those steps outside it which make a person. Without everyday bravery we stay secure, but we don’t grow or flourish maybe in the way that we could.
Katie Burse
Actress in the Power of Diversity - the Crossing Lines Project.
Excerpt of the article: - What it means to be brave - from the book about the project.
Published by Theater der Zeit Verlag